iXm Pro Head, Supercardioid, Dynamic
Choose any of the five available interchangeable iXm Mic Heads to change your iXm Recording Mic’s pickup pattern. Quickly adapt to specific recording conditions and change the mic head within seconds by twisting off your current head and replacing it with another one. There is no common proximity effect of directed microphones due to their high-pass-filter. With any iXm Mic Head, your iXm’s LEA Level Energy Arbitration achieves a perfect balance of frequency ranges and delivers perfect levels.
PRO Line: Each dynamic iXm PRO Head by Yellowtec is characterized by its sound converter components’ ruggedness, especially at high sound pressure levels. Its recording pattern is less sensitive in higher frequency ranges. The head’s sluggish membrane leads to different sounding recording results.
Supercardioid pattern for interviews in extremely loud surroundings like major events, e.g. sporting events, motor sport races or concerts.
iXm PRO Head
Sensitivity: 1.8mV/Pa +/-4dB
Impedance: 300Ohm +/-30%
Dimensions 72mm x ø50mm
Weight: 139g
Liittyvät tuotteet

Esa Lötjönen
Senior Specialist, Audio
Hallitsen radion sisällöntuotannon prosessit ja teknisen toimintaympäristön. Osaan myös äänituotannon kokonaisratkaisut Podcast-studioista valtakunnallisten radiokanavien toteutukseen.
OsaamisalueetAudio, lähetys ja siirto, ohjelmatuotanto

Janne Trogen
Product Manager
Minulla on kolmenkymmenen vuoden suunnittelu- ja toteutuskokemus broadcast- ja ohjelmansiirtoasennuksista. Mediatradella vastuullani on audio- ja komentolaitteet, sekä projektit ja asennukset.
OsaamisalueetAudio, Lähetys ja siirto, Tapahtumat